How to choose the best location to place the chamois attractant?

Choosing the best location to place an attractant for chamois is crucial for those wishing to observe these elegant animals in their natural habitat. Chamois, inhabitants of the mountains, have specific preferences in terms of environment, food, and safety. By understanding these needs and considering various factors such as natural habitat, food source, water points, safety, visibility, ventilation, and accessibility, it is possible to judiciously select the ideal location.



Natural habitat of chamois:

   - Look for steep mountainous areas, cliffs, offering natural shelters and observation points. Ideal habitat for chamois, providing security and freedom of movement. Exploring these areas promotes successful observation of these majestic animals in their natural, preserved, and spectacular environment.

   - Chamois are active at dawn and dusk. To observe them, prioritize places where they move frequently at these times. Look for feeding areas or migration trails where they gather to increase your chances of observation during these key times of the day.

Food source:

   - Chamois mainly feed on alpine plants such as grasses, shrubs, and bushes. Areas with dense and varied vegetation are therefore attractive.

   - Look for places where specific plants that chamois like are abundant, such as wormwood, thyme, heather, etc.

Water points:

   - Chamois need fresh water to drink, especially during hot or dry periods. Mountain streams, springs, or lakes are ideal places to place the attractant.

   - Ensure that the water is easily accessible and that the place is safe for chamois, without the risk of falling or predators nearby.


   - Chamois prefer areas away from human activities, where calm prevails. Therefore, avoid noisy or heavily trafficked areas, as this can disturb their natural behavior.

   - Chamois feel more comfortable and safe in isolated environments such as national parks or protected areas. These preserved spaces offer chamois an ideal refuge, where they can move and feed without being disturbed by human activities.


   - Choose places with clear views, preferably on a hill or panoramic promontory. Chamois prefer these areas to spot predators and monitor their environment.

   - Feeding areas and frequent migration trails are ideal for observing chamois, as they attract these animals in search of food and during their seasonal movements.


   - Observe the direction and strength of the wind in the region to determine where the scent of the attractant will disperse best.

   - Place the attractant in an area where the wind can carry the scent to areas where chamois are likely to be found.


   - Ensure that the location is accessible by car or on foot, considering weather conditions and terrain conditions.

   - Choose a location where you can install and maintain the attractant safely, without disturbing the habitat of the chamois.

If you want to attract chamois effectively, using the chamois attractant from Hunt Attract is considered the best available option. This product is designed to attract chamois to specific areas, making them easier to capture. It is highly effective, with an attraction range of up to 2 kilometers, allowing it to attract chamois from considerable distances. Its irresistible scent and taste make it an essential tool for hunters. Furthermore, this attractant guarantees a 100% success rate, with an intense and persistent odor even in the most challenging weather conditions, including rain and snow.

Approved by the National Federation of Hunters, this attractant is cost-effective in terms of yield, with 500 baits capable of attracting up to 500 herds of chamois. The resealable packet allows for use over up to 5 years initially, but this duration of use will depend on the user, and its application is straightforward, whether by scattering it around trees, near burrows, or on trails. The chamois attractant can also be used year-round and is entirely composed of natural ingredients.